Class Killer

  • public final class Killer
    extends PerkUser
    Represents the Killer.
    • Method Detail

      • isInTerrorRadius

        public boolean isInTerrorRadius​(org.bukkit.Location location)
        Checks if the specified Location is in the Killer's Terror Radius.
        location - The Location in the world.
        True if the Location is in the Killer's Terror Radius.
      • alert

        public void alert​(KillerAlertReason reason,
                          org.bukkit.Location location,
                          Survivor survivor)
        Runs GetKillerAlertEvent with the specified reason and Survivor. If the event was not cancelled, alerts the Killer at the specified location.
        reason - The reason why the Alert was raised.
        location - The Location the explosion will be heard from and where the trail will lead the Player.
        survivor - The Survivor who raised the Alert.
      • alert

        public void alert​(KillerAlertReason reason,
                          org.bukkit.Location location)
        Runs GetKillerAlertEvent with the specified reason. If the event was not cancelled, alerts the Killer at the specified location.
        reason - The reason why the Alert was raised.
        location - The Location the explosion will be heard from and where the trail will lead the Player.
      • dropSurvivor

        public void dropSurvivor​(boolean setToInjured)
        Drops the Survivor if the Killer is carrying one.
        setToInjured - True if the Survivor should be in the Injured state, false if the Survivor should be in the Dying state.
      • kick

        public void kick​(Generator generator)
      • resetKick

        public void resetKick()
      • getSurvivorsInTerrorRadius

        public java.util.List<Survivor> getSurvivorsInTerrorRadius()
        Gets the alive Survivors who are in the Killer's Terror Radius.
        The List of the living Survivors who are in the Killer's Terror Radius.
      • isCarrying

        public boolean isCarrying()
        Checks if the Killer is carrying a Survivor.
        True if the Killer is carrying a Survivor.
      • getCarriedSurvivor

        public java.util.Optional<Survivor> getCarriedSurvivor()
        Returns the Survivor who is currently being carried by the Killer.
        Null, if the Killer is not carrying a Survivor.