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AccessorDB - Class in org.kikikan.deadbymoonlight.game
AccessorDB() - Constructor for class org.kikikan.deadbymoonlight.game.AccessorDB
AccessorPerk - Class in org.kikikan.deadbymoonlight.game
AccessorPerk() - Constructor for class org.kikikan.deadbymoonlight.game.AccessorPerk
addAuraGlobally(Entity, Perk, boolean) - Method in class org.kikikan.deadbymoonlight.game.AuraManager
Adds an AuraRecord for every Survivor and the Killer.
addAuraToPlayer(PerkUser, Entity, Perk, boolean) - Method in class org.kikikan.deadbymoonlight.game.AuraManager
Adds an AuraRecord to the PerkUser's Aura.
addAuraToSurvivors(Entity, Perk, boolean) - Method in class org.kikikan.deadbymoonlight.game.AuraManager
Adds an AuraRecord to every Survivor.
addBlock(Block) - Method in class org.kikikan.deadbymoonlight.game.WorldManager
Adds the Block and its data to the "To Be Restored Blocks" list.
addFail(Consumer<Survivor>) - Method in class org.kikikan.deadbymoonlight.game.SkillCheck
Adds another method to the Failed Skill Check list.
addGameComponent(GameComponent) - Static method in class org.kikikan.deadbymoonlight.DeadByMoonlightAPI
Adds your game-changing Game Component to the game.
addGood(Consumer<Survivor>) - Method in class org.kikikan.deadbymoonlight.game.SkillCheck
Adds another method to the Good Skill Check list.
addGreat(Consumer<Survivor>) - Method in class org.kikikan.deadbymoonlight.game.SkillCheck
Adds another method to the Great Skill Check list.
addItem(Item) - Static method in class org.kikikan.deadbymoonlight.DeadByMoonlightAPI
Adds your super useful Item to the game.
addItem(Item) - Method in class org.kikikan.deadbymoonlight.game.Chest
Overwrites the Item in the Chest with the provided Item.
addLever(ExitLever) - Method in class org.kikikan.deadbymoonlight.game.WorldManager
Adds an Exit Lever to the list of Exit Levers.
addLore(ItemMeta) - Method in class org.kikikan.deadbymoonlight.game.Item
Adds the Modifier and the Durability values to the Item.
addPerk(Perk) - Static method in class org.kikikan.deadbymoonlight.DeadByMoonlightAPI
Adds your awesome Perk to the mix!
addPoint(UUID, int) - Method in class org.kikikan.deadbymoonlight.game.AccessorDB
addPoint(PointCategory, double, String, boolean) - Method in class org.kikikan.deadbymoonlight.game.PerkUser
Adds points to the specified category.
addRunnable(Runnable, TimerEventType) - Method in class org.kikikan.deadbymoonlight.cooldowns.BukkitCooldown
Registers a Runnable to run at the specified event.
addRunnable(Runnable, TimerEventType) - Method in interface org.kikikan.deadbymoonlight.cooldowns.Cooldown
addRunnable(Runnable, TimerEventType) - Method in class org.kikikan.deadbymoonlight.perks.CooldownPerk
Registers a Runnable to run at the specified event.
addToken(int) - Method in class org.kikikan.deadbymoonlight.perks.TokenPerk
Adds an amount (can be negative) to the total Tokens and then updates the Player's Display.
alert(KillerAlertReason, Location) - Method in class org.kikikan.deadbymoonlight.game.Killer
Runs GetKillerAlertEvent with the specified reason.
alert(KillerAlertReason, Location, Survivor) - Method in class org.kikikan.deadbymoonlight.game.Killer
Runs GetKillerAlertEvent with the specified reason and Survivor.
allowsSelfHeal() - Method in class org.kikikan.deadbymoonlight.game.Item
Determines if this Item enables the Survivor to heal themselves.
ALTRUISM - org.kikikan.deadbymoonlight.util.PointCategory
amountOfTotemsRequired() - Method in class org.kikikan.deadbymoonlight.perks.Perk
Determines how many Totems will be assigned to this TotemPerk at the start of the Trial.
announce(String) - Method in class org.kikikan.deadbymoonlight.game.Game
Sends a message to every Player of the Game with the DbM prefix.
AuraManager - Class in org.kikikan.deadbymoonlight.game
Deals with the Players' Auras.
AuraRecord - Class in org.kikikan.deadbymoonlight.util
Represents the Aura Record.
AuraRecord(UUID, Perk, boolean) - Constructor for class org.kikikan.deadbymoonlight.util.AuraRecord
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