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blockVault(Block, int) - Method in class org.kikikan.deadbymoonlight.game.WorldManager
Blocks the Vault for the specific duration.
BOLDNESS - org.kikikan.deadbymoonlight.util.PointCategory
breakItem() - Method in class org.kikikan.deadbymoonlight.game.Item
Instantly breaks the Item, making it unusable for the rest of the Game.
BRUTALITY - org.kikikan.deadbymoonlight.util.PointCategory
BukkitCooldown - Class in org.kikikan.deadbymoonlight.cooldowns
Represents a Cooldown / Timer that uses Bukkit's scheduler.
BukkitCooldown(JavaPlugin, long...) - Constructor for class org.kikikan.deadbymoonlight.cooldowns.BukkitCooldown
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