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calculateStats() - Method in class org.kikikan.deadbymoonlight.game.Item
Sets the durability and the modifier values.
cancel() - Method in class org.kikikan.deadbymoonlight.events.world.GetKillerAlertEvent
Cancels the Alert, meaning, the Killer will not receive this Alert.
canExitGatesGetPower() - Method in class org.kikikan.deadbymoonlight.game.WorldManager
Checks if the Exit Gates can be powered.
canHatchOpen() - Method in class org.kikikan.deadbymoonlight.game.WorldManager
Checks if the Hatch can open.
canHatchSpawn() - Method in class org.kikikan.deadbymoonlight.game.WorldManager
Checks if the Hatch can spawn.
canInteract() - Method in class org.kikikan.deadbymoonlight.game.Survivor
Checks if the Survivor can interact.
Chest - Class in org.kikikan.deadbymoonlight.game
Represents a Chest.
clear() - Method in class org.kikikan.deadbymoonlight.game.AuraManager
Sets every Player's visibility to false.
clearup() - Method in class org.kikikan.deadbymoonlight.game.WorldManager
Called at the end of the Game.
closeHatch() - Method in class org.kikikan.deadbymoonlight.game.WorldManager
Closes the Hatch if it is open.
COMMON - org.kikikan.deadbymoonlight.util.Tiers
compareTo(Configurable) - Method in class org.kikikan.deadbymoonlight.Configurable
Configurable - Class in org.kikikan.deadbymoonlight
Represents an Object that must have a config file in your plugin's folder.
Configurable(JavaPlugin) - Constructor for class org.kikikan.deadbymoonlight.Configurable
convertListToMultilineString(List<String>) - Method in class org.kikikan.deadbymoonlight.util.LanguageFile
Converts a list of string to one long string with \n inserted after every element of the list.
Cooldown - Interface in org.kikikan.deadbymoonlight.cooldowns
CooldownPerk - Class in org.kikikan.deadbymoonlight.perks
Represents a Perk that has a cooldown.
CooldownPerk(JavaPlugin, PerkUser, boolean) - Constructor for class org.kikikan.deadbymoonlight.perks.CooldownPerk
The constructor for a Cooldown Perk
createSkillCheck(JavaPlugin, Survivor, SkillCheckReason, Consumer<Survivor>, Consumer<Survivor>, Consumer<Survivor>) - Static method in class org.kikikan.deadbymoonlight.game.SkillCheck
Creates a Skill Check using the specified parameters.
CUSTOM - org.kikikan.deadbymoonlight.util.KillerAlertReason
CUSTOM - org.kikikan.deadbymoonlight.util.SkillCheckReason
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