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RARE - org.kikikan.deadbymoonlight.util.Tiers
reason - Variable in class org.kikikan.deadbymoonlight.events.world.GameStartedEvent
True if the Game started forcefully.
reason - Variable in class org.kikikan.deadbymoonlight.events.world.GetKillerAlertEvent
The reason why this Alert was generated in the first place.
regressProgress(double) - Method in class org.kikikan.deadbymoonlight.game.Generator
Regresses the Generator with the specified value.
regressStart(double, double) - Method in class org.kikikan.deadbymoonlight.game.Generator
Starts the regression.
reloadFile() - Method in class org.kikikan.deadbymoonlight.util.LanguageFile
Reloads the .yml file from the disk.
removeAuraByEntity(PerkUser, Entity) - Method in class org.kikikan.deadbymoonlight.game.AuraManager
removeAuraByPerk(PerkUser, Perk) - Method in class org.kikikan.deadbymoonlight.game.AuraManager
removeAuraFromPlayer(PerkUser, Entity, Perk) - Method in class org.kikikan.deadbymoonlight.game.AuraManager
Removes the AuraRecord that was set by the specified Perk.
removeAuraFromSurvivors(Entity, Perk) - Method in class org.kikikan.deadbymoonlight.game.AuraManager
Removes the AuraRecord from every Survivor.
removeAuraGlobally(Entity, Perk) - Method in class org.kikikan.deadbymoonlight.game.AuraManager
Removes an AuraRecord from every Survivor and the Killer.
removeDurability() - Method in class org.kikikan.deadbymoonlight.game.Item
Removes Durability.
removeItem() - Method in class org.kikikan.deadbymoonlight.game.Chest
Removes and returns the Item in the Chest.
removeRunnable(UUID) - Method in class org.kikikan.deadbymoonlight.cooldowns.BukkitCooldown
Removes the specified runnable using its UUID that was generated when it was added.
removeRunnable(UUID) - Method in interface org.kikikan.deadbymoonlight.cooldowns.Cooldown
removeRunnable(UUID) - Method in class org.kikikan.deadbymoonlight.perks.CooldownPerk
Removes the specified runnable using its UUID that was generated when it was added.
REPAIR - org.kikikan.deadbymoonlight.util.SkillCheckReason
resetKick() - Method in class org.kikikan.deadbymoonlight.game.Killer
resetScratchMarkDuration() - Method in class org.kikikan.deadbymoonlight.game.Survivor
Forces Dead by Moonlight to fire GetScratchMarkEvent again.
resetTokens() - Method in class org.kikikan.deadbymoonlight.perks.TokenPerk
Sets the amount of tokens to 0 and then updates the Player's Display.
run() - Method in class org.kikikan.deadbymoonlight.events.Event
Calls Game.runEvent(Event) on the Game object of this Event.
runEvent(Event) - Method in class org.kikikan.deadbymoonlight.game.Game
Runs the Event specified if the game is in progress.
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